


Directory &
GE Register




Directory &
GE Register

The Kal Jobs Expo address's the labour shortage crisis that the Goldfields region has experienced by matching employers with qualified, motivated job seekers in a one stop, all day event in the regions capital city, Perth.
The KAL Jobs Expo creates an opportunity for people looking for work to connect directly with employers, see what vacancies are available and take up job opportunities in the Goldfields region.

The expo showcase's the exceptional livability of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, a place brimming with economic opportunity, a wealth of job opportunities across industries and the highest average income in Australia. The quality of life in the City is outstanding, with two central business districts, 230 locally owned and operated shops in the heart of the Kalgoorlie CBD, six major supermarkets, five national banks, numerous national franchises, unique and locally owned niche market businesses, an abundance of parks, schools and health facilities. All topped off with stunning scenery and bushland, a dry comfortable climate and no congestion, and a quick commute to work.